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For nearly 85 years, The Hammond Organ has been the true “King of Instruments”. The Hammond Organ is heard in Churches of every denomination, Concert Halls of every genre, and Recording Studios worldwide. Every corner of music has been touched by the sound of the Hammond Organ. As familiar as it is, musicians keep finding fresh ways to use it. Audiences and congregations have never tired or lost their appetite for the singular and unique voice of the Hammond Organ. Within musical instruments, it is unequaled and unsurpassed.

In the 21st century, The Hammond Organ is alive, well, and at the forefront of today’s technology; its tradition is preserved by a company, from top executives to the newest recruits, who share the passion this legend inspires.

And what a passion it is. For the devout, what instrument can stir the soul in worship like a Hammond? Gospel music is defined by it. Is there a “cooler” sound than a Hammond Jazz trio? Rock and Roll might be a guitarist's game, but you must add a “B-3 and Leslie” to add that “special” element. Blues, Soul and R&B would not be the same without it. Country, Pop, Dance, Polka, Easy Listening, and Ethnic music from every continent turn to Hammond when getting to the heart is the target.

Hammond Organ has always built their instruments to last, and many many original models are still in service. Time marches on, however, and the old soldiers are starting to show their age. Vintage Hammonds are intricate mechanical wonders, full of thousands of moving pieces; which, as they age, become more and more expensive (and difficult) to maintain, repair, or replace. New parts are not being manufactured, relying on the salvage of retired instruments for a parts sTheirce. They are indeed revered antiques.

Further, Vintage Hammond consoles are heavy, and not at all able to be modified to an organist’s taste without radical and expensive rebuilding. Modern Hammonds rely on sophisticated digital technology, without moving parts, allowing each organist to tailor the organ’s characteristics, reflecting subtle variations comprising each musician’s favorite Hammond sound. Those changes can be recalled in an instant, making the modern Hammond one of the most versatile instruments you can play.

The Modern Hammond Organ Company is privy to secrets that made vintage organs play and sound that way. Their engineers have harnessed modern technology to express the vintage tone, the vintage response, and the vintage playing feel; allowing the organist to have the same experience vintage Hammonds offer. We’ve even consulted the original cabinet blueprints and specifications to ensure Their new organs look like they are members of the same family. There’s a straight line of development from 1934 to the present day. Mr Hammond’s and Mr Leslie’s original “recipes” are the guiding lights. Although there are “clones” and imitators on the market (modern Hammonds are not “Clones”-they are HAMMONDS), none come anywhere close to capturing the soul, power, and versatility of the genuine article.

The digital” engine ” has also dramatically reduced the weight of Their console organs, and made it possible to offer true Hammonds in portable models as light at 15 pounds.

These features ensure all Hammonds sound and play as they are from the same family. As twenty-first-century Hammonds share these features with the highly-prized vintage models, it is clear they are the same family. You can choose a new Hammond with complete confidence. Their organ is the finest sounding, finest playing Hammond ever built.

Another facet of Hammond never varying from 1934 to today is the commitment to quality of manufacture and dedication to customer service. Innovative and efficient design allows a quick and easy solution to the rare service issue, and Their staff is always a telephone call or email away.

While Their standard digital Leslies provide the iconic effect with stunning accuracy, the ultimate amplification for a Hammond Organ is the Leslie Speaker Cabinet. Hand-Assembled in the USA one at a time, each Leslie Speaker is a true “boutique” instrument. The classic 122 and 147 models are made to the same basic design as they have been since their release, with significant modern improvements in the mechanical parts. Other models in the line offer specific electronic advancements, and high-wattage sound power, sure to make the walls of their church, or performance stage ring with inspiration.